A trusted source working as a customer service rep for Microsoft has revealed that there will be some bad drama when the Xbox 360's Fall update hits on November 19th. He says the update could bring the dreaded "three red lights of death" issue roaring back to life.
The rep said that there has always been an influx of calls from owners of bricked Xbox 360s after every major Xbox 360 software update. Most of the complaints come from owners of launch consoles.
"The slick move by Microsoft here is that it's releasing the update on the 19th, just a couple of days after the extended warranty period for launch Xbox 360s end. The owners of these units are headed for some pretty tense times in the weeks to come,"" he said.
He adds "Our department is bracing itself from irrate callers after the update is released. I'm bringing some aspirin to work this holiday season," he adds.
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1st post... wooohooo...
360 ring of death FTW!!!!
Way to go Micro$haft
well, GG aha
I did the Update that was released on the Newsgroups. Upgraded Via USB Drive. And now about every third Power on I get a RROD.. :( I've got an original Release Xbox 360. .. :( Sad to see it go....
F'ing lol.
Seriously, the reason for 3 red rings is well known and understood, and it has NOTHING to do with firmware updates. Your source is a moron.
Updates bring new features, pushing the GPU harder which makes it run hotter and pushing ready-to-ROL boxes over the edge.
360 came out 11/22/05 means if 360 gets red ring on 11/19/08 it covered you short bus rideing reporter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_launch retards need to do research
unless of course it doesnt fail right away, or you dont update right away (as many wont)
3 days is hardly a grace period
No one should believe that and in theory it should be the oposite.
One thing that most people forget is you should not have a 3 RED LIGHT OF DEATH anymore with the NXE and instaling game to HDD. WHY?? Simple the 3RLoD occure when the console frie (kinda) .. too much heat that cause some damage. How this happen? Simple the console use too much power and one of the thing that use a lot of power is the DVD drive, when it spin to 12X its a no brainer that it take energy to do that and if you play fable 2 (for exemple) the drive will spin at 12X most of your playing time. And that mean LOTS of energy that the console need to have to ensure the drive, the gpu, the cpu etc etc to work correctly (you see the points).
So if you put it on HDD the DVD drive will not be used at all so ;
Console + DVD Drive = More energy
Console - DVD Drive = Less energy = less heat = less problem with the console (3RLoD)
So dont believe that crap.
By your own logic nords:
Console + DVD Drive = More energy
Console - DVD Drive = Less energy = less heat = less problem with the console (3RLoD)
Wouldn't Console + Hard Drive also = More energy?
But I do agree that the HD being external is a better alternative because it is external thus the heat is less of an issue.
All you guys have valid points. That's the reason this was posted as a rumor. The 3 year warranty expires on the 17th. Check with MS. We'll see in the week following the update who's the moron around here.
Got 2nd RRD minutes after update....who knows if software update really can brick machine, but either way its sad that we all get tricked into buying expensive machines that still arent fixed years after the initial problem was diagnosed.
Getting a replacement but there goes my vacation gaming out the window this christmas....thanks Microsucks
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